El Lay

Hey Kids,

Sorry I have been out of touch.  My mom & dad took me to “El Lay” — what a weird name.  I have no idea, but after a 6 hour drive, we were at our home away from home for the next 72 hours.  I loved it because our room had carpeting and I just LOVE to roll around in carpet, it scratches the itch if you know what I mean. 

I think I want to live in El Lay, we had so much fun and I was included in almost everything.  There were a couple of times when mom & dad disappeared without me, but I got to experience so much.  We went to the beach at Malibu — so fun until some jerk told us I wasn’t allowed — the beach at Santa Monica & Venice Beach (we saw some crazies there). 

It was so warm compared to home.  I know my mom was happy to wear her tank tops again… she’s much happier when she gets to wear her tank tops.  As for me, I got to join them in almost every meal ‘cuz the restaurants allow dogs on the patio.

I made friends too!

My little friends

Most of my friends are peeps.  I can relate to peeps.  Most dogs bore me.  Cats are fun to chase, that’s about it.

Recently I have made friends with a group of very tiny characters.  Their names are Syd & Charisma.  Syd & Charisma are crazy, but I love them.  I respect that they are worldly and appreciate fine food and drink. 

Like me, they are technologically savvy.  You can follow Syd & Charisma’s adventures online: http://fingerpuppets.wordpress.com/  

Syd & Charisma have a posse they hang with.  Sometimes I wish I could be small too so I could join them on their adventures.  Here are some pictures of Syd & Charisma and their posse:

My new friends: finger puppets!


Okay, most of my friends are of the human variety.  Every so often I befriend a canine….. very rare….. it is hard to find cool buddies that share my point of view (lack of intelligence on their part if you must know).

My favorite new friends happen to be not humans, not canines…. but FINGER PUPPETS!   And man are they COOL!

They are adorable, tiny, and peeps love them.

Check out my new pals’ blog for more details.  Syd & Charisma are the bigwigs, they rock… but if you aren’t part of their “posse”, watch out!


Help! How do I get in touch with Mr. Obama?


I just got word that Mr. Obama is looking for a dog!  I really want to help him & his family. 

They need a hypo-allergenic dog.  My breed, Boston Terrier, with very short hair, is perfect for them.  Plus my coloring symbolizes the harmonic coexistence of black & white.

I’d like to know where I can send my suggestions and pictures – c’mon they won’t be able to say no to this face!!

One step forward, one step back


I had a spring in my step this morning as my mom took me out on walkie.  It was a crisp, beautiful morning and I felt rejuvenated in light of the events that took place last night. I am very happy that the U.S. Peeps made the right decision for President on Election Day.  Just because I’m a dog and can’t vote for myself, I have opinions too!

The racial barriers have finally been crossed and we have a new leader who I trust.  I am a lucky puppy because my mom & dad pay for my healthcare (the foxtail up my nose episode, the chicken bone incident, etc) but I know there are so many of my friends out there who are not so lucky.  I hope that Obama does something to help them so they can go to the doctor when “incidents” occur.

BUT then today I learned that a bad proposition was passed that eliminates the rights of certain people to get married.  I am very sad about this news.  I have friends who will be affected by this decision.  I really feel like we have taken a big step back in time.  I wish there was something I could do.



Pay attention: I have something to say

Do you have something you want to say?

Why not let me spread the word for you?


I speak… peeps listen, that’s why. 

Shoot me an email at lucy@lucyandfriends.com if you want your voice to be heard.

Here are some ideas:

  • Wanna wish your BFF “Happy Birthday”?
  • Just got Engaged/Married/Pregnant/???
  • Want to campaign on behalf of Obama?
  • Want to anonymously state your cause?
  • Want to tell the world who you love unconditionally?

… you name it.  I will spread the word, objectively, simply and accurately.

It’s as easy as that.



Happy Birthday to ME!

I am a happy girl today.  It’s my birthday!  I am lucky to have friends to celebrate with….

My mom and dad rose to the occasion and took me on a great walkie today.  Of course it is normal for my mom to take me on walkie, but dad came too — yippee!!

Here’s a picture of us on walkie…  are they goobers or what?

I am a bit embarrassed…


Apparently I am now 21 in dog years.  My dad said he would make me a margarita, but my mom said NO — she can be such a party pooper sometimes.

Anyways… thanks to all my friends who wished me a Happy Birthday. 



C’mon Peeps! Let’s help out our furry friends.


I learned some shocking statistics today:

  • There are as many as 8 Million homeless pets looking for a home in our country. 
  • As many as 4 million orphaned dogs and cats will be euthanized this year due to shelter overcrowding and lack of awareness about these homeless pets. 
  • More than a quarter of all dogs in animal shelters are purebreds (LIKE ME!!) 

Shocking huh? It breaks my heart to think that so many of my friends are homeless. 

“How can I help?”, you ask.  Here’s how…

Support one of the most successful pet adoption drives, Iams Home 4 The Holidays, by donating, spreading the word or adopting a cutie pie for yourself.

Felicity Huffman from my favorite TV show did her party by adopting her dog Tucker at one of their drives.  Check out Tucker, grrrrrrrrrr!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgw03ORaPng

For more information about Iams Home 4 the Holidays or to locate participating animal shelters and rescue groups call 858-756-4117 check out their website.

Thanks!  Kisses!


What the f&(K?

Today I must rant & rave, please bear with me.

Last weekend my mom & dad decided to go gallivanting without me (can you believe it??!?)  — Apparently it was their anniversary so I had to go stay at grandma’s house. 

Check out how much fun they had (without me): http://tinyurl.com/4tzvta

While they were off having their fun in San Francisco, I got locked in a bathroom at Grandma’s house all night long.  It was so dark and I was very sad and lonely.  Everytime I cried to get them to let me out, grandma would take me out and bring me outdoors where it was cold.  I don’t understand. 

To be fair, we did do some fun stuff, like long walkies with grandpa.  I also got to eat yummy lamb… guess grandma didn’t know I’m on a strict venison & sweet potato diet.  Score!

Finally my mom & dad returned to take me home.  Even though I was mad, I told my mom not to have a baby and let grandma babysit.  I would hate for mom’s baby to have to sleep in the bathroom too.

Kisses Friends,


The mean man wearing a uniform

This week, my mom had a funny schedule, so we had to leave for our morning walkies VERY early.  One day, I was fast asleep when her alarm went off.  Normally I have to use my powers of focus to will her to wake up for walkie, but I had just gone to sleep after playing with my dad all night, so I was pretty tired.

The walkie was fun although we didn’t see any of my usual friends.  : (

As we were heading home, I was suddenly blinded by a strong flashlight pointed right in my face.  It was a man in a uniform who started talking to my mom. 

He was really fun to jump all over, but he told my mom that we weren’t supposed to be there.  How dare he!  This is MY trail.  He said something about there being thieves on the trail, but I think that is B.S.

Thank goodness we never again have to be on the trail when the mean man is there!

Here is my mom’s blog post, http://tinyurl.com/4w5qc2

